Saturday, July 14, 2012

immigration: one christian's response

1.       I believe immigration is a very complex and divisive topic.

2.       I believe the Bible does not have a passage that lays out the details of an immigration policy for the United States here in the 21st century.

3.       I believe all human beings—including immigrants, both legal and illegal—are made in the image of God (Gen 1:26-27).

4.       I believe we should love our neighbor as ourselves, and that includes immigrants (Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:29-27 and Leviticus 19:33).

5.       I believe racism is repulsive and a sin (Mark 12:28-31, Luke 10:29-27 and Leviticus 19:33).

6.       I believe we in the United States need to remember that we’re all immigrants or descendants of immigrants.

7.       I believe immigrants need to hear the Gospel like anyone else (Matthew 28:19-20).

8.       I believe government and the Church of Jesus Christ have different callings and purposes and we should be careful not to get them confused (Romans 13:1-7, Mark 12:28-31).

9.       I believe most illegal immigrants are here to better themselves and their families, not to hurt the United States.

10.   I believe migrating to another country is a privilege, not a right.

11.   I believe countries have the right to place restrictions on and limit immigration, especially in the interest of national security (Romans 13:1-7).

12.   I believe laws are made to be obeyed and those who break the law should be punished—illegal immigrants are not being punished as required by law (Romans 13:1-7).

13.   I believe countries have the right to secure their borders--It is their duty to protect the safety of their own citizens (Romans 13:1-7).

14.   I believe it is virtually impossible to prevent all illegal immigrants from crossing the border and to make those who have overstayed their visas return to their countries of origin.

15.   I believe “rewarding” illegal behavior with no negative consequences will spur more illegal behavior in the future.

16.   I believe deporting or punishing all illegal immigrants (an estimated 11 million people) is an impossible task, not to mention an expensive and messy one.

17.   I believe children of illegal immigrants, while undocumented, should not have to pay for the unlawful behavior of their parents (Ezekiel 18:19-20).

18.   I believe separating parents from their children should be avoided whenever possible in the name of mercy (Luke 6:36).

19.   I believe the United States needs to reform its immigration policy in an effort to protect the best interests of the country, especially in the areas of sovereignty and security. Secondarily, this policy should be fair, merciful and enforceable.

20.   I believe we should strongly encourage and motivate immigrants to learn English, but making it the country’s official language is unnecessary and without precedent.

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